ERC-20 Contract:
BEP-20 Contract:
Contract Audit: Read Here
With every sale of DINGER, there will be two transactions with the same maker address. One transaction is for the actual sale that the maker made. The other transaction is a sale of the accumulated tokens from the taxes. These tokens are sold for ETH and then distributed to the developer and marketing wallets accordingly.
1,000,000,000,000 Total Supply
Taxes are now 0%
Taxes are now 0%.
To make Dinger a 0% tax token, there are no longer reflections active.
Dinger is available for purchase on both the ETHEREUM (ERC) and BINANCE (BSC/BNB) networks.
A free bridge (+ gas fees) allows you to transfer your tokens across networks, up to 300 Million Dinger at one time.
This means that there are two charts for Dinger:
Dinger/WETH and Dinger/BNB
A free bridge (+ gas fees) allows you to transfer your tokens across networks, up to 300 Million Dinger at one time.
This means that there are two charts for Dinger:
Dinger/WETH and Dinger/BNB
Learn more about the history of Dinger Token and it’s beginnings as the token named after Elon Musk’s cat on the HISTORY & TEAM page >>>
© 2022 Dinger